The Weston Chronicle

The KCI wrestling tournament was held at Lathrop HS January 28 and the West Platte BlueJays earned several honors. 
The West Platte Lady Jays made history with 140lb  Hana Hoover earning 2nd team All Conference honors. Hana is the first Lady Jay wrestler to earn All KCI Conference in school history.
 The Lady Jays also took fourth place as a team with 120lb Hayden Williams. 125- Addi Bailey and 190- Aylah Gray all taking third place. 

The boys finished with four wrestlers in the top 4. Sophomore Jacob Larimer and Senior Matthew Haynes took 4th place. Sophomore Cuin Vincent finished in 3rd place at 132lbs and Junior Canton Wilkins earned 2nd team All Conference honors at 126.

West Platte Wrestling at Showdown in Joetown Tournament in St. Joseph 

West Platte Lady Jays (1/31)
120 Hayden Williams 2nd place 
125 Addi Bailey 2nd place 
140 Hana Hoover 2nd place 
145 Emily Haynes 2nd place 
190 Aylah Gray 2nd place

West Platte Boys 2/1
120 Canton Wilkins 4th place

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Wrestlers Named to 2nd team ALL KCI

Four Go to Free Throw Regionals

Knights of Columbus had their annual Free Throw Championship this year on Saturday January 26th at the West Platte Elementary Gym. 
The winners advanced to the District level on Sunday February 2nd at St. Andrew The Apostle Catholic Church And School in Gladstone Missouri. 
We had 4 of our Council winners advance to the Regional Level Competition which will be held Sunday February 16th at St.Thomas More School Gymnasium in Kansas City Missouri.
Knight of Columbus Free Throw Championship Council 12288
Boys - Age
10-Max Faulkner
11-Jace Bergstrom
12-Luke Deloux
13-Camden Frederick

Girls - Age
9-Bellamy Lewis
10-Mari Pirtle
11-Alex Faulkner
13-Clara Hill
14-Madelyn Cline

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship District 5
Local Winners advance to Regionals February 16
Boys - Age
14-Camden Frederick
Girls - Age
10-Mari Pirtle
11-Alex Faulkner
14-Madelyn Cline


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